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Tähevärava (k.a. SGU) filme ei tule

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one of a kind

Liitunud: 26 Nov 2004
Postitusi: 3240
Asukoht: Terra Firma

PostitusPostitatud: Esm Apr 18, 2011 8:29 pm    Teema: Tähevärava (k.a. SGU) filme ei tule Vasta viitega

GateWorld avaldas uudise, et planeerimisjärgus olnud Tähevärava filmid, nende seas SGU jätkulugu, jäävad tegemata. Seda kinnitas peaprodutsent Brad Wright:

“We just recently found out that the SGU movie is not going to happen,” Wright said during his stage panel today. “It took too long. We just couldn’t get it together in time, and the window has closed. It’s actually sad for me, because after 17 years, I’m cleaning out my desk tomorrow morning.”

Wright also confirmed that the proposed Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis movies have been permanently shelved, along with another movie idea he had been trying to get a greenlight on, which would have combined and involved cast members of all three series. Scripts for the first two of those projects, tentatively titled Stargate: Revolution and Stargate: Extinction (respectively), were completed well over a year ago.

Väikese positiivse noodina avaldas Wright siiski lõpetuseks arvamust, et Tähevärava frantsiis veel siiski surnud ei ole:
“It’s a franchise. Stargate is not over,” he said. “Somebody smart from MGM is going to figure it out, and something will happen.” Wright said, adding that he’s embracing the chance and prospect of writing material that isn’t Stargate related, and will be actively working on other pilots.

Ei oska isegi midagi öelda. Väga kurb tegelikult. Aga ilmselt on oluline ka see, et SGU-l pole lihtsalt piisavalt publikut, et filmi tegemine ennast ära tasuks. Sad

It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will? And that strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us.
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Hyperion Endymion

Liitunud: 9 Mai 2007
Postitusi: 233

PostitusPostitatud: Esm Apr 18, 2011 8:45 pm    Teema: Vasta viitega

Suht külmaks jätab... time to die... veel mõningate auriismetega ajaloo prügikasti vajuda.

Kuid halb uudis üleüldiselt ulmezanrile endale ilmselt. mis on juba kurbust tekitav Crying or Very sad
He`s like fire and ice and rage.
He`s like the night, and the
storm in the heart of the sun.
He`s ancient and forever. He
burns at the center of time
and he can see the turn of
the universe.

And...he`s wonderful.
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Liitunud: 11 Jan 2007
Postitusi: 1295
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitatud: Esm Apr 18, 2011 9:42 pm    Teema: Vasta viitega

Eks kahju on ikka, aga õnneks on mul veel 5 hooaega SGA-d vaatamata, nii et minu jaoks jätkub Stargate'i avastusrõõmu veel mõneks ajaks Cool
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one of a kind

Liitunud: 26 Nov 2004
Postitusi: 3240
Asukoht: Terra Firma

PostitusPostitatud: Püh Mai 15, 2011 6:30 pm    Teema: Vasta viitega

Mis tühistatud filmidesse veel puutub, siis nüüd on avaldatud, et SG1 film oleks rääkinud Tähevärava programmi avalikustamisest maailmale.

The third Stargate SG-1 movie would have finally revealed the top-secret Stargate program to the world, Stargate executive producer Joseph Mallozzi revealed on his blog this week.

“This subject (the revelation and its many implications) would have formed the plot for the planned SG-1 movie, Stargate: Revolution,” Mallozzi said.


Ideena tundub see iseenesest huvitav ja mingis mõttes ka loogiline, kuna juba praeguseks teavad selle programmi olemasolust niivõrd paljud inimesed, et edaspidine saladuskatte all hodmine muutub järjest raskemaks ja ebausutavamaks. Samas kuna tegemist on ikkagi nii suure looga, siis ma natuke kahtlen, kas telefilm oleks suutnud selle temaatikaga piisavalt hästi toime tulla. Razz

It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will? And that strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us.
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Liitunud: 16 Juun 2005
Postitusi: 235
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitatud: Esm Mai 16, 2011 4:54 am    Teema: Vasta viitega

Deem... Ehk tuleb neil mõistus pähe ja selle viimase varjandi teevad siiski teoks... Sad
Minna alati sinna kus veel keegi pole käinud...
Ja loota, et ehk pääseb kuidagi ka tagasi...Very Happy
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Liitunud: 5 Märts 2007
Postitusi: 69
Asukoht: Tartu

PostitusPostitatud: Teis Mai 24, 2011 10:17 am    Teema: Vasta viitega

Eriti ootasin SGA filmi... Aga iga stargate film on ülihea vaadata...
Damn!!! Mad
Emperor of ALZIZ Empire
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Vaata kasutaja profiili Saada privaatsõnum
one of a kind

Liitunud: 26 Nov 2004
Postitusi: 3240
Asukoht: Terra Firma

PostitusPostitatud: Reede Juun 10, 2011 8:43 pm    Teema: Vasta viitega

Avaldati veel natuke infot planeeritud SGA filmi kohta:

“The movie would have picked up not long after the events of the Season Five finale, ‘Enemy At the Gate,’” Mallozzi said. “In the opening scene, two astronauts (who turn out to be a couple of familiar faces – Amelia Banks and Major Lorne) take a walk on the surface of the moon, their lunar stroll ending with a reveal of the city of Atlantis. A shuttle carrying Sam Carter and a group of dignitaries sweeps overhead and lands.

“Within the city’s atmospherically shielded confines, Carter and her guests meet up with the science team headed by – who else? – Rodney McKay. Frustrated by the interruption to his ongoing research, McKay demonstrates a certain impatience with the whole dog-and-pony show, running through standards explanations, overviews, questions, and answers until – an alarm suddenly sounds. The bewildered dignitaries are ushered out, leaving McKay, Carter, and Zelenka to investigate.

“An examination of the city’s systems reveal the worst. A self-destruct has been initiated – a safeguard, Rodney surmises, put in place by the Ancients in the event Atlantis was ever removed from the Pegasus Galaxy. And, once triggered, it cannot be disabled. Nothing short of a return to the Pegasus Galaxy will save the city from certain destruction. Of course, getting it there is easier said than done …


Kui linna Kuule viimine välja arvata, siis minu arvates selle loo juures midagi ülearu põnevat pole, aga näha oleks ikkagi tahtnud. Smile

It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will? And that strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us.
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Liitunud: 13 Jan 2005
Postitusi: 1548
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitatud: Laup Juun 18, 2011 1:22 pm    Teema: Vasta viitega

Võimalik, et nad ikkagi üksaeg teevad need filmid ära... Kuigi selle filmi tutvustus ei olnudki väga põnev... Lõpp oleks ka juba teada.
In the name of everything still holy to us
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Vaata kasutaja profiili Saada privaatsõnum
one of a kind

Liitunud: 26 Nov 2004
Postitusi: 3240
Asukoht: Terra Firma

PostitusPostitatud: Kolm Juul 27, 2011 10:01 am    Teema: Vasta viitega

Veel natuke detaile planeeritud SGA filmi kohta:

Mallozzi previously revealed that Stargate: Extinction would have opened with Atlantis relocated from its landing site in the San Francisco Bay (“Enemy At the Gate”) to the far side of the Moon, away from prying eyes. But the Ancients programmed an automated self-destruct should the city ever be taken out of Pegasus — which activates, prompting the team to fire up the stardrive and make a mad dash home.

“It’s time to get the band back together,” Mallozzi continued, “and we check in with our various team members as they are called up and beamed away for the return journey: Teyla and her family, Keller, Beckett, Lorne, Zelenka and, of course, Sheppard and Ronon who are plucked away while receiving treatment at a local hospital following a barroom brawl (we went back and incorporated the scar actor Jason Momoa received following an incident near his L.A. home). Once everyone has assembled, McKay gives them the 411.

“Given the time constraints they face, they have to get back to Pegasus as quickly as possible — meaning they’ll have to use the wormhole drive again. Zelenka calculates that two jumps should do it.

“And they’re off. Sort of. The first jump ends up burning out the drive, rendering it useless and leaving them stranded with the countdown click ticking down. However, a scan of the surrounding plants turns up a habitable world within range. They go there seeking help and, instead, end up involved in a wild time-travel themed adventure in which Todd, the Wraith, turns out to be, simultaneously, their hugest threat and biggest ally.”


It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will? And that strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us.
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Liitunud: 5 Märts 2007
Postitusi: 69
Asukoht: Tartu

PostitusPostitatud: Nelj Sept 29, 2011 7:49 am    Teema: Vasta viitega

Lugedes seda viimast stooriline'i, siis olen isegi natuke õnnelik, et seda filmi ei tule... Tundub nagu vaimuvaene ja lihtsalt hullused kokku klopsitud... Laughing
Emperor of ALZIZ Empire
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