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Enterprise one of a kind

Liitunud: 26 Nov 2004 Postitusi: 3240 Asukoht: Terra Firma
Postitatud: Püh Okt 13, 2013 9:32 pm Teema: Star Wars: Episode VII (18. detsember 2015) |
Nagu ühes varasemas teemas viidatud, ostis Disney Lucasfilmi ning on alustanud järgmise Tähesõdade filmitriloogia ettevalmistamise ja tootmisega. Esimene uue triloogia film, Osa VII, peaks praeguste plaanide kohaselt välja tulema 2015. aasta keskel. Käesoleva teema eesmärgiks on koguda kokku filmi tegemist puudutavad uudised ja arutelu.
Filmi tootmine peaks J.J. Abramsi sõnul algama Ühendkuningriigis 2014. aasta alguses:
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Abrams also revealed that production on Star Wars Episode VII is set to start right at the beginning of 2014. “Most likely we are going to be moving to London at the end of the year for the Star Wars movie,” said the Star Trek Into Darkness director Saturday at the Produced By conference on the Fox lot. Abrams added that the overseas shoot “drives me insane” as he would have liked to film the movie in LA. He also noted that the plan to shoot Star Wars Episode VII for Disney in the UK was set before he was brought on board. |
Filmi sisu kohta ametlik info hetkel puudub, küll aga on Wikipedias välja toodud võimalikud elemendid, mida Osa VII võib sisaldada:
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- Episode VII would begin roughly 20 (or perhaps 30-40) years after the end of Return of the Jedi (according to Lucas in 1980 and 1982).
- R2-D2 and C-3PO would be the only characters who might continue through all nine films (Lucas in 1980, 1981 and 1983).
- The trilogy would deal with the rebuilding of the Republic (Lucas in 1980).
- "It's like a saga, the story of a group of people, a family" (Lucas in 1980).
- Luke would have a romantic relationship with a female love interest (Lucas in 1988).
- The main theme of the trilogy would be moral and philosophical problems, such as the necessity for moral choices and the wisdom needed to distinguish right from wrong, justice, confrontation, and passing on what you have learned (Lucas in 1983 and 1989).
- The key actors, Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Ford as Han Solo, and Fisher as Princess Leia, would appear, in their 60s or 70s (Lucas in 1983).[9]
Interviewed in 2012 after the announcement of the new trilogy, Lucas biographer Dale Pollock said that he had, in the 1980s, read the outlines to 12 Star Wars episodes planned by Lucas, but had been required to sign a confidentiality agreement.Pollock said:
- "The three most exciting stories were 7, 8 and 9. They had propulsive action, really interesting new worlds, new characters. I remember thinking, 'I want to see these 3 movies.'"
-The next film in the series would involve Luke Skywalker in his 30s and 40s.
-That he had little doubt Disney would use Lucas's outlines as the basis for the sequel trilogy. "That’s in part what Disney bought." |
Filmi võimalikuks pealkirjaks on pakutud järgmisi nimesid:
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Remember in that interview that Jett Lucas recently did where he confirmed that his dad, George Lucas, was working on the treatments to the Sequel Trilogy before Disney approached him for the sale? Of course you do.
I was exclusively told that during that time, it seems that George had two working titles for Star Wars: Episode VII that were competing in his mind: Return of the Sith and Rise of the Jedi! These working titles were turned over to the Disney Company through the sale, BUT, there is no guarantee whatsoever that Disney will use these titles for the movie. |
Tasub veel ka märkimist, et Osa VII kavatsetakse filmida 35mm filmilindile ja mitte digitaalsete kaameratega. Samuti kasutatakse rohkem mudeleid ja vähem arvutigraafikat, et saavutada originaalsele triloogiale sarnasemat stiili.
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George Lucas made a point of turning Star Wars into a digital franchise. Episode II: Attack of the Clones was the first major movie to be shot on a digital camera, not film, and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith continued the trend. (Episode I: The Phantom Menace was a strange hybrid of forms, shot on film then quickly digitized and covered in CGI.)
But film buffs prefer the on-film look of the original trilogy movies. They were cheered Thursday when Dan Mindel (who shot both Star Trek movies for J.J. Abrams) revealed Thursday that he would be the Director of Photography on Abrams' still-untitled Star Wars Episode VII, and that he would be using 35mm film to do the job. (Kodak color negative 5129, to be precise.) |
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"The conversation we're having all the time now about Episode VII is how much CGI," Kennedy told fans at the Star Wars Celebration convention in Germany last month. "We're looking at what the early Star Wars films did; they used real locations with special effects. So we're going to find some very cool locations, we're going to end up using every single tool in the toolbox."
Ain't It Cool News writer Harry Knowles adds rumors he's hearing from Lucasfilm's Industrial Light and Magic, that the the company is growing its model shop. Veteran Lucasfilm designer Iain McCaig also mentioned at Celebration, without comment, that he has been sketching lots of Rancors recently. (The Rancor was the stop-motion model defeated by Luke Skywalker in Jabba's Palace). |
Hetkel siis minu poolt info sellega piirdub, aga loodetavasti hakkab see teema peagi täienema.  _________________ Administraator
It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will? And that strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us.
Viimati muutis seda Enterprise (Nelj Nov 07, 2013 11:32 pm). Kokku muudetud 2 korda |
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Enterprise one of a kind

Liitunud: 26 Nov 2004 Postitusi: 3240 Asukoht: Terra Firma
Postitatud: Reede Okt 25, 2013 11:40 am Teema: |
Aeg teemat täiendada.
Nagu kirjutatakse Tähesõdade ametlikul veebilehel ja mida raporteerib ka IGN-i artikkel, siis Osa VII stsenaariumi kirjutamise on Michael Arndtilt üle võtnud J.J. Abrams ja Lawrence Kasdan:
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As Episode VII continues pre-production, Lawrence Kasdan and director J.J. Abrams have assumed screenwriting duties for the film. Kasdan, who has been serving as a consultant on the film, is a veteran of several classic Lucasfilm productions, writing the screenplay for Raiders of the Lost Ark and serving as co-screenwriter for The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Acclaimed director and screenwriter Abrams' credits include Super 8, Mission: Impossible III, Fringe, and Lost. |
Uue info kohaselt alustatakse filmimisega 2014. aasta kevadel, mitte kohe aasta alguses, nagu J.J. Abrams varem on öelnud. IGN-i artikkel juhib ka tähelepanu pressiteate sõnastusele, mille kohaselt tuleb film "oodatavalt" välja 2015. aastal, mis võib tähendada varem planeeritud tähtaja (2015 keskpaik) edasilükkumist:
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The story adds that location scouting, production design, casting, and costume design are already underway on the film for a Spring 2014 shoot at Pinewood Studios and an “expected” 2015 release. “Expected”?
It’s unclear how much (if any) of Arndt’s script will be utilized by Abrams and Kasdan, but it seems unlikely that this is just a polish. A studio wouldn’t announce its two biggest names associated with a project for such a thing… which raises the question: If Star Wars: Episode VII is getting a serious rewrite, how do-able are those production start and release dates? |
_________________ Administraator
It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will? And that strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us. |
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Enterprise one of a kind

Liitunud: 26 Nov 2004 Postitusi: 3240 Asukoht: Terra Firma
Postitatud: Nelj Nov 07, 2013 11:30 pm Teema: |
Star Warsi ametlikul veebilehel avaldatud pressiteate kohaselt tuleb Osa VII välja 18. detsembril 2015 ehk siis natuke rohkem kui kahe aasta pärast. See on ka esimene kord, kui filmi väljatuleku kuupäeva on ametlikult nimetatud. Tuleb märkida, et see on mõnevõrra hilisem kui varasemalt spekuleeritud 2015. aasta keskpaik, aga loodetavasti annab see tegijatele võimaluse liigset kiirustamist vältida. Muuhulgas peaks nädal enne jõule filmi kinodesse jõudmine tagama sellele ka piisava publiku, sest tegemist on ikkagi puhkuste ajaga, kus inimestel on tõenäoliselt aega rohkem kinos käia.
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With pre-production in full-swing, a confirmed release date of December 18, 2015, has been set for Lucasfilm's highly anticipated Star Wars: Episode VII.
"We're very excited to share the official 2015 release date for Star Wars: Episode VII, where it will not only anchor the popular holiday filmgoing season but also ensure our extraordinary filmmaking team has the time needed to deliver a sensational picture," said Alan Horn, chairman of The Walt Disney Studios. |
Mõnevõrra seondub eeltooduga tõenäoliselt ka uudis, kus J.J. Abrams räägib, et stsenaariumi kirjutamise Lawrence Kasdanile üle andmine oli tingitud ajaküsimusest ning viitas, et see aitab filmil planeeritud ajal ekraanidele jõuda:
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Changing the screenplay team on the new Star Wars movie was all about time, said JJ Abrams today. “It became clear that given the time frame and given the process and the way the thing was going that working with Larry in this way was going to get us where we need to be and when we needed to be,” said the Episode VII director Thursday. “Working with Larry Kasdan, especially on a Star Wars movie is kind of unbeatable,” Abrams told Deadline. |
Allikas _________________ Administraator
It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will? And that strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us. |
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vicebarbar Veteran

Liitunud: 28 Veeb 2005 Postitusi: 678 Asukoht: Nõmme, Tallinn
Postitatud: Kolm Veeb 26, 2014 4:35 am Teema: |
link tuleb ehk kasuks.
Mingisuguste kõlakate järgi teeb filmis kaasa ka zac efron. No kuramus kas tõesti? _________________ Trust me, Im a Jedi. |
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alziz Leitnant

Liitunud: 5 Märts 2007 Postitusi: 69 Asukoht: Tartu
Postitatud: Kolm Dets 23, 2015 4:59 pm Teema: |
Nüüd siis nähtud... Väga kõvad efektid. Parimad täiesti. Isegi 3D oli seekord väga väärt oma nime. Kahju on aga sellest, et pahad tegelased on nii haledad kuidagi... Vanasti olid dark side tegelased ka nagu ägedad... Ja muidugi see mis Coruscantiga juhtus... Uskumatu. _________________ Hyperion
Emperor of ALZIZ Empire |
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Purple Zaber Kadett

Liitunud: 27 Dets 2015 Postitusi: 2
Postitatud: Püh Dets 27, 2015 7:28 pm Teema: |
Käisin samuti vaatamas viimast osa Coca Cola Plazas, Scape saalis. Film oli 3D-s väga efektne, soovitan kõigile.
Olen nõus, et Kylo Ren polnud suuremat asi liider. Ta käsitles küll oma uue välimusega lightsaberit hästi kuid siiski oli ta liiga nõrk ning ei jõudnud Anakini (Darth Vaderi) tasemele. Tema käsutuses oli Star Destroyer, mis oli palju suurem kui eelmistes filmides nähtud Death Star, aga see purustati kergelt.
Film lõppes väga huvitavalt ning jään järgmist osa ootama.
Ainuke küsimus, mis mul tekkis on see, et kas Rey on Lukei tütar?
Soovitan filmi kõigile!
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Enterprise one of a kind

Liitunud: 26 Nov 2004 Postitusi: 3240 Asukoht: Terra Firma
Postitatud: Esm Dets 28, 2015 1:19 pm Teema: |
Tere tulemast foorumisse!
Ka mina nägin uut Star Warsi filmi seekord Coca-Cola Plaza uues Scape saalis. Esialgu oli plaan küll Kosmose IMAXi külastada, kuid et sinna polnud võimalik sobival ajal ja sobivatele kohtadele pileteid saada, siis jäi see plaan katki. Scape-saali kohta peaks siiski mainima, et vaatamata ulmelisele sisekujundusele see mulle tavapärasest kuigivõrd erinevat elamust ei pakkunud - ok, ekraan oli natuke suurem ja heli natuke kõvem, aga muidu igati võrreldav tavapäraste saalidega, kus 3D filme näeb.
Filmi ennast võiks minu arvates kirjeldada väljendiga "tagasi juurte juurde", sest nii tegelased kui tegevus järgisid suuresti sama malli, mis vanema triloogia filmid. Paralleelid igatahes olid ilmsed. Mis puutub sellesse, et Rey võib olla Luke'i tütar, siis endalgi tekkis selline mõte. Esiteks oli Reyl hea Jõu tunnetus ning samuti annab kokku viia Luke'i ja Rey vanemate lahkumise/kadumise, millest filmis juttu oli. Samuti oleks Star Warsile väga omane, et uus tegelane Rey näol ei ole mitte lihtsalt suvaliselt kuskilt välja ilmunud, vaid omab teiste tegelastega mingit lähemat seost. Eks siis näeme, kas järgmine film algab sellega, kuidas Luke ütleb Reyle, et "I am your father, Rey!. Loodetavasti ei hüppa Rey selle peale kaljult alla.
Kylo Reni osas nõustun samuti, et ta jäi tegelasena veidi nõrgaks, aga ma ei ole kindel, kas asi oli lihtsalt näitlejas, kes ei suutnud selles rollis piisavalt veenvana mõjuda, või oli see nõrkus filmi tegijate poolt taotluslik.
Üldiselt oli siiski tegemist hea Star Warsi filmiga, mis pakkus enam-vähem täpselt seda, mida ma ühelt Tähesõdade filmilt ootan; lihtsalt iseküsimus on, et kas uus film vaatamata oma suurele kassaedule ka üldarvestuses suurte filmide hulka kvalifitseerub.  _________________ Administraator
It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will? And that strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us. |
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Purple Zaber Kadett

Liitunud: 27 Dets 2015 Postitusi: 2
Postitatud: Teis Dets 29, 2015 11:01 am Teema: Star Wars VII |
Olen nõus, et SCAPE saal polnud midagi väga erilist. Istmed tundusid kuidagi mugavamad ja ka see, et tuled olid kõrvale viidud, mitte laes. Kui film lõppes siis läksid need tuled põlema ja mulle tundus nagu oleksin päris kosmoselaevas.
Minu jaoks olid ebameeldivad prillid. Need olid nii laiad ja pidin need vahepeal ära võtma, sest neid oli raske kogu aeg ninal hoida.
Aga filmi juurde tagasi minnes. Üks asi, mis jäi õhku oli ka see, et kes võtab üle Dark Sidei. Ning mis värk oli sellega, et Luke treenis Kylo Reni (ilmselt sealt õppis ta oma lightsaberit nii hästi kasutama) aga Kylo lahkus. Filmis jäeti vaatajatele palju mõistatusi, mille kohta saame teade ilmselt järgmises filmis.
Ühesõnaga oli film siiski hea, kui mitte nii hea oma story poolest siis kujunduse ja efektide poolest kindlasti. |
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